TSC News

Exciting News As TSC Announces A Revised Promotion Guidelines For Teacher Under B5-C3 For The Upcoming November Promotions

TSC Unveils New Promotion Guidelines For Teachers In Grades B5-C3 Ahead Of November Promotions .

TSC Unveils New Promotion Guidelines For Teachers In Grades B5-C3 Ahead Of November Promotions . Revamped TSC Promotion Guidelines for Teachers Under CPG.

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The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has rolled out revised Career Progression Guidelines (CPG) for promoting teachers to higher grades. These guidelines aim to streamline the promotion process and ensure fair and merit-based advancements for educators.


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Promotion path from B5 to C1

Grade B5, also known as Primary Teacher II, is the entry-level grade for all primary school teachers. New educators start their careers at this level. Upon completing three years in B5, teachers are automatically promoted to Grade C1, which does not require any additional qualifications or interviews.


Advancement from C1 to C2

Grade C1 teachers, referred to as Primary Teacher I, must apply for promotion to Grade C2. This grade is for Senior Teacher I and is a competitive position that requires an online application when TSC advertises the vacancies.


Progression from C2 to C3

In primary education, Grade C2 is for Senior Teacher II. Teachers must serve at least three years in C2 and participate in promotion interviews to advance to Grade C3, known as Senior Teacher I. For secondary education, Grade C2 is a promotion grade for diploma holders, while degree holders start at C2 and move to C3 after three years without needing an interview.


Streamlined Promotions for Better Career Growth

The new guidelines are designed to ensure that dedicated teachers can progress in their careers smoothly, recognizing their experience and contributions to the education sector. By clarifying the requirements and process, TSC aims to motivate teachers and improve the quality of education in Kenya.

TSC Unveils New Promotion Guidelines For Teachers In Grades B5-C3 Ahead Of November Promotions .

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