Updated Teacher Salary Structure .
Updated Teacher Salary Structure . The updated teacher salary structure according to grading.
Updated Teacher Salary Structure
The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has revamped the grading system and salary scales for educators in primary and secondary schools. This reform impacts both categories of teachers.
New Grading System and Salary Scales
The TSC’s recent changes have resulted in the removal of certain job groups and the consolidation of others. One notable alteration is the substitution of the former P1 grade, previously under Job Group G, with Grade B5. This new grade now serves as the starting point for all primary school teachers.
Career Progression Guideline (CPG)
To streamline grading and promotions, the TSC has implemented the Career Progression Guideline (CPG). This framework delineates the advancement path for teachers across various levels. For primary school educators, the journey begins with Primary Teacher II (T-Scale), the entry-level for newly recruited teachers falling under Grade B5.
Promotional Opportunities
Advancement in the teaching profession offers several promotional avenues. Primary Teacher I (T-Scale 6) becomes attainable after three years of service as a Primary Teacher II, automatically elevating the teacher to Grade C1. Subsequently, Senior Teacher II (T-Scale 7) serves as a promotional scale for primary school teachers seeking administrative roles. Progressing to Senior Teacher I (T-Scale 8) is competitive and necessitates a minimum of three years’ service as a Senior Teacher II. Both Senior Teacher II and Senior Teacher I fall under Grade C3.
Further Promotions
Additional promotions include roles such as Deputy Headteacher (T-Scale 9), Headteacher (T-Scale 10), and Senior Headteachers (T-Scale 11). Each of these positions demands a minimum of three years’ service at the previous level and is subject to competitive selection. These roles are classified under Grades C4, C5, and D1, encompassing various administrative and teaching positions within primary and secondary schools.
By restructuring the grading system and salary scales, the TSC aims to provide clearer career progression pathways for teachers, ensuring greater transparency and equity in the education sector.