TSC News

How To Access And Download Your TSC Payslip For This Month Using T-Pay

How To Access TSC Payslip Via T-Pay .

How To Access TSC Payslip Via T-Pay . How To Acquire TSC Payslip Using T-Pay.








In this article, we will explore various methods to access your TSC payslip online, ensuring convenience and efficiency for teachers.









Accessing TSC Payslip Online

To begin, let’s understand how to access your TSC payslip through the T-Pay portal.










Registration Process

Initially, it’s crucial to complete the registration process to obtain your TSC number. This process requires a visit to your local TSC county office, where you’ll present your national ID and other necessary documents for registration.










Activating T-Pay Account

Upon registration, you’ll receive your TSC number and password, enabling you to log in to the T-Pay portal.








Convenient Access

With the T-Pay feature, teachers can conveniently access their payslips and share this information with third parties, such as banks and cooperatives, facilitating loan acquisition.







Streamlined Process

This functionality streamlines the loan application process and expedites access to financial assistance.









Tracking Transactions

Furthermore, the T-Pay portal allows teachers to track and monitor third-party transactions, promoting transparency and accountability.









Effortless Viewing and Downloading

By following simple steps on the T-Pay website, teachers can effortlessly view and download their payslips online from the comfort of their homes or offices.











Step-by-Step Guide

Here’s a step-by-step guide to accessing your TSC payslip via T-Pay:


1. Open your browser and navigate to the TSC T-Pay website.

2. Locate the TSC payslip login window on the page.

3. Enter your TSC number or ID number and password.

4. Click on the login tab to proceed.

5. Choose the “Latest Payslip” option from the list on the left side of your screen.

6. Your latest payslip will be displayed on the screen.

7. If you prefer a hard copy, click on the “Print” tab.

8. To access payslips from previous months, select the “View Payslips” sub-menu and specify the year and month.







In conclusion, accessing your TSC payslip via T-Pay is a simple and efficient process that eliminates the need for physical visits to TSC offices. By following the steps outlined in this guide, teachers can easily manage their payslips online, saving time and effort.

How To Access TSC Payslip Via T-Pay .

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