TSC News

Transfer Allowance Rates For Teachers Transferred Under TSC

TSC Transfer Allowance Rates .

TSC Transfer Allowance Rates . TSC Transfer Allowance Rates for Transferred Teachers.








Teachers employed by the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) may need to relocate between stations, necessitating the request for transfer allowance. As the teachers transfer, they need a salary and allowance increment. This will enable easy movement and improve their personal life standards. Here are some of the TSC Allowances for TSC teachers who intend to transfer from one station to another.








Initiation of Transfer Allowance

The transfer allowance, facilitating station transitions, can be initiated by either the teacher or the commission. This allowances will make it easy for teachers to cope with their new working environment.








Eligibility and Amount

Teachers become eligible for the transfer allowance when the TSC initiates the transfer. It covers settling expenses at the new station, particularly for those moved outside their sub-counties. The allowance amount equals one month’s basic salary. This allowances can difer from one teachers to another depending on the area they transferred to. This leads to variations among educators as they have different working stations around Kenya.








Claim Process

Teachers must fill out the TSC Transfer claim Form available on the TSC website or from their institution. The form must be fully completed, signed by both the teacher and the institution head, and stamped. The head must also attach the casualty return before forwarding it to the employer. All the necessary details must be filled in that form to ease the process .







Submission and Follow-up

Completed forms should be sent to the TSC via the institution head. In cases of delayed processing, teachers can follow up through the sub-county or county director or contact TSC headquarters directly.









Ensuring a smooth transition for teachers, the TSC transfer allowance supports them in adapting to new work environments.

TSC Transfer Allowance Rates .

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