TSC News


KNEC Hiring KCSE Assessors .

KNEC Hiring KCSE Assessors . How to Apply for KNEC KCSE Assessor Positions.



The Kenya National Examination Council (KNEC) has announced openings for KCSE oral and practical paper assessors.




Recruitment Details

KNEC plans to recruit interested individuals from May 1 to July 30, 2024. The selected assessors will undergo training while evaluating KCSE exams starting from 2024.




Eligibility Criteria

Existing assessors in the KNEC database need not reapply. Secondary school teachers are sought for various subjects including power mechanics, electricity, aviation technology, French oral, German oral, Arabic oral, Kenya sign language signing practical, and music practical. Applicants must hold a valid teaching license in the relevant subjects. Additionally, they must be registered with the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) or another accredited professional organization, and/or be employed by them. A diploma or higher in education or the relevant field is required. For aviation technology, a diploma in aeronautical engineering is necessary. Candidates should possess a minimum of three years of teaching experience and must be endorsed by the head of their institution or employer.



Application Process

Candidates not under interdiction or facing disciplinary action will be considered. The age limit is 50 years and below.


Interested Kenyans can apply through the examiners portal at https://examinersapp.knec.ac.ke. Those with CP2 accounts should log in using their usernames and passwords. For those who forgot their passwords, a reset option is available by entering their mobile number in the format 254. The CP2 portal, also known as the Contracted Professionals System, is an integrated online platform for managing national examination officials.



Creating an Account

Individuals without CP2 accounts must create one by following the provided guidelines. After successful login, applicants need to complete their profiles and save the information.



Applying for Vacancies

Applicants should click on “Apply for Assessors Vacancies” on the dashboard and select from the available positions.


By following these steps, interested candidates can apply for KNEC KCSE Assessor positions seamlessly.

KNEC Hiring KCSE Assessors .

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