TSC News


TSC Warned On Teacher Treatment .

TSC Warned On Teacher Treatment .  TSC Warned On Teacher Treatment: Protesting JSS Teachers Stand Up for Rights.




TSC Directive: Hands Off Protesting JSS Teachers

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has been instructed not to target any Junior Secondary School (JSS) teacher. This are teachers participating in today’s nationwide demonstrations. The nationwide demonstrations are due to low salary payment to JSS teachers.




KUPPET’s Call for Justice

Paul Rotich, the Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers (KUPPET) Nandi Executive Secretary, delivered a petition to TSC boss Dr. Nancy Macharia.  He as also issue it to TSC’s Secretary and CEO, through the TSC Nandi County Director.



Mr Rotich emphasized the purpose of the demonstrations. He advocated for permanent and pensionable terms for JSS teachers, aligning with a recent court ruling.




Rotich’s Appeal

“Following the Employment and Labour (Relations) Court judgment by Hon. Justice Ongaya on legality of internship and Teachers Service Commission, we appeal that the TSC immediately employs the interns on Permanent and Pensionable terms,” Rotich stated.



In the petition, Rotich urged the TSC not only to employ the interns permanently but also to withdraw its appeal of the case and ensure full compensation for the affected teachers.




Demand for Fair Compensation

Moreover, Mr Rotich stressed the need for the TSC to compensate the interns for salary disparities between internships and permanent positions. His petition want to see all the JSS teachers benefiting from pension and a higher pay from TSC.




Unity in Action

“No JSS teacher engaging in this agitation should be intimidated or victimized,” Mr Rotich asserted. Throughout the nation, JSS teachers, organized by various branches of KUPPET, held demonstrations today, urging the TSC to confirm them to permanent roles and withdraw its appeal case.




Legal Standpoint

This call comes after the Employment and Labour Relations Court deemed internship employment by TSC unlawful.

TSC Warned On Teacher Treatment .

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