TSC News

TSC Refuses To Release A List Of Promoted Teachers

TSC Withholds Teacher’s Promotions List .

TSC Withholds Teacher’s Promotions List .TSC Withholds Teachers’ Promotions List: Teacher’s Unions Demand Transparency.



The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has faced criticism from teacher unions for not disclosing the names of promoted teachers, despite posting their TSC numbers on its website. Both the Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers (Kuppet) and the Kenya National Union of Teachers (Knut) have urged the TSC to reveal the identities of the promoted teachers.


Denial of Information:

Knut formally requested transparency regarding the rules governing teacher interviews held in December 2023 and January 2024. However, TSC has refused to release the names of the promoted teachers, leading to suspicions of withheld information.


Concerns Raised:

Knut expresses concerns about the lack of transparency, fearing that deceased teachers might even be included in the merit list if real names are not provided alongside TSC numbers. The refusal to disclose the selected candidates’ names has sparked public outcry.


Inconsistencies Noted:

Suspicion arises from discrepancies in the list, including the presence of both recent and old TSC numbers. Furthermore, there are indications of more qualified teachers being overlooked.


Promotion Process:

TSC posted a 724-page list on its website, containing only the TSC numbers of the 36,505 promoted individuals. Successful candidates are required to submit five Chapter 6 documents. There are hints that promotions to headteacher and deputy posts may lead to reassignments outside of current sub-counties.


Implications for Teachers:

Teachers selected for promotion will receive promotional letters, while those not selected will receive remorse letters confirming their interview attendance. Senior teachers are likely to remain in their current sub-county schools, while others may be assigned based on experience.

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Interview Process:

TSC conducted interviews for over 105,000 educators between December 2023 and January 2024. Elementary school teacher interviews were held from December 4 to December 15, 2023, while secondary school teacher and Teacher Training College (TTC) tutor interviews took place from January 3 to January 16, 2024.

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The lack of transparency in the promotion process has raised concerns among teacher unions and the public. TSC’s refusal to disclose the names of promoted teachers has led to suspicions and demands for greater transparency in future promotions.

TSC Withholds Teacher’s Promotions List .

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